CyberUK 2016: Amulet Hotkey PCoIP Zero Clients Certified as Secure by UK Government

CyberUK 2016: Amulet Hotkey PCoIP Zero Clients Certified as Secure by UK Government

16 May 2016

Press Release PDF

DXZ4 and DXZC PCoIP Zero Clients approved by CESG for use by government and public sector organisations across the UK

London, UK, May 24, 2016 – Amulet Hotkey Ltd., a leader in design, manufacturing and system integration for remote physical and virtual workstation solutions, today announced at CyberUK in Practice 2016 show, that their PCoIP zero clients have been certified as secure by CESG, the National Technical Authority for Information Assurance within the UK.  Amulet Hotkey is the only PCoIP zero client vendor to receive a certification of this type.  Amulet Hotkey’s DXZ4 and DXZC PCoIP zero clients combine innovative design and manufacturing to deliver simple, stateless and highly secure clients for both mission and business critical environments.

Amulet Hotkey DXZ4 and DXZC clients have now been formally recognized by CESG, the body tasked with assisting Government Departments with cyber security, as being compliant with their Commercial Product Assurance (CPA) scheme for Remote Desktop at Foundation Grade.  This is a result of a joint effort between Amulet Hotkey, Teradici Corporation, Roke Manor Research Test Lab, and CESG to rigorously test against a stringent set of requirements developed to assure security compliance for remote desktop devices in nations such as the UK and US.  Achieving approval for use at the “OFFICIAL” level, both the DXZ4 and DXZC are recommended for government and public sector organisations, including government departments, the police, hospitals, emergency response, command and control centres and local councils.

The certification allows government, public sector, as well as security conscious enterprise to enjoy the security and rich desktop experience of Amulet Hotkey PCoIP Zero Clients when connecting to remote 3D graphics workstations or virtual and cloud desktops.

“We developed the DXZ4 and DXZC PCoIP zero clients from the ground up to meet and exceed the demanding security requirements of government while addressing the graphic and performance needs of users,” said Tony Hilliard, Group Sales Director, Amulet Hotkey Ltd. “CESG certification further demonstrates our commitment to delivering robust and secure solutions for mission and business critical environments.”

“We are delighted that the CESG have recognized Amulet Hotkey’s PCoIP Zero Clients as meeting the highest security standards for remote desktop devices,” said Jayesh Shah, Vice President Product Management, Teradici Corporation, “PCoIP Zero Clients are the simplest, most secure and easy to manage endpoints with the highest quality user experience.”

Amulet Hotkey DXZ4 and DXZC Clients provide key benefits including:

For more information visit ahk.publitek.com/products/pcoip-zero-client/cpa-certified-zero-clients or contact Amulet Hotkey http://ahk.publitek.com/contact-us/.

About Teradici

Teradici is the technology leader for creating virtual workspaces. The company’s PCoIP technology powers the spectrum of local, remote, mobile and collaborative work styles, fundamentally simplifying how computing is provisioned, managed and used throughout virtual and cloud environments. The world’s largest cloud computing companies rely on PCoIP technology to fulfil the promise of the cloud – an outstanding user experience, securely delivered to any device, anywhere. Teradici customers include Fortune 500 enterprises and institutions around the world, local and federal government agencies, and cloud and service providers.  Teradici was founded in 2004, and is headquartered in British Columbia.  For more information, visit www.teradici.com.


The National Cyber Security Center is the UK’s authority on cyber security. The NCSC brings together and replaces the CESG, the Center for Cyber Assessment (CCA), Computer Emergency Response Team UK (CERT UK) and the cyber-related responsibilities of the Center for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI). The CESG Commercial Product Assurance (CPA) scheme evaluates Consumer Of-the-Shelf (COTS) products and their developers against published security and development standards.

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